Mastering Subqueries: How to Sub Select a Column That’s a CASE Function
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Mastering Subqueries: How to Sub Select a Column That’s a CASE Function

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Are you stuck in a SQL conundrum, trying to subselect a column that’s a CASE function in a subquery? Fear not, dear database enthusiast! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify the process, providing you with clear instructions and explanations to tame even the most complex queries.

Understanding the Challenge

When working with subqueries, it’s not uncommon to encounter a situation where you need to subselect a column that’s a result of a CASE function. This can be particularly challenging, as the CASE function itself is a part of the subquery. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you navigate this difficulty with ease.

The Problem Statement

Let’s consider a real-world scenario to illustrate the problem. Suppose we have a table called orders with the following columns: id, customer_id, order_date, and total. We want to write a query that retrieves the top 10 customers with the highest total order value, but with a twist: we need to consider only orders placed in the last 30 days.

| id | customer_id | order_date | total |
| 1  | 1          | 2022-01-01 | 100  |
| 2  | 1          | 2022-01-15 | 200  |
| 3  | 2          | 2022-02-01 | 50   |
| 4  | 3          | 2022-03-01 | 300  |
| 5  | 1          | 2022-03-15 | 400  |
| 6  | 2          | 2022-04-01 | 150  |
| 7  | 3          | 2022-05-01 | 250  |
| 8  | 1          | 2022-06-01 | 500  |

In this scenario, we can use a subquery to filter out orders older than 30 days and then use a CASE function to calculate the total order value for each customer. But how do we subselect the resulting column?

The Solution

To tackle this challenge, we’ll break down the solution into three steps:

  1. Create a subquery that filters out orders older than 30 days and calculates the total order value for each customer using a CASE function.
  2. Subselect the resulting column from the subquery.
  3. Apply the necessary sorting and limiting to retrieve the top 10 customers.

Let’s dive into the details of each step:

Step 1: Create the Subquery

We’ll start by creating a subquery that filters out orders older than 30 days and calculates the total order value for each customer using a CASE function. We’ll use the DATEDIFF function to determine the age of each order in days.

      WHEN DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, order_date) <= 30 THEN total 
      ELSE 0 
  ) AS total_order_value

This subquery will return a result set with two columns: customer_id and total_order_value. The total_order_value column is calculated using the CASE function, which sums up the total column values only for orders placed within the last 30 days.

Step 2: Subselect the Resulting Column

Now, we need to subselect the total_order_value column from the subquery. We can do this by wrapping the subquery in another SELECT statement:

          WHEN DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, order_date) <= 30 THEN total 
          ELSE 0 
      ) AS total_order_value
  ) AS subquery;

The subquery is now treated as a derived table, and we can access its columns just like we would with a regular table.

Step 3: Apply Sorting and Limiting

Finally, we need to apply the necessary sorting and limiting to retrieve the top 10 customers with the highest total order value. We can use the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses to achieve this:

          WHEN DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, order_date) <= 30 THEN total 
          ELSE 0 
      ) AS total_order_value
  ) AS subquery
  total_order_value DESC

This final query will return the top 10 customers with the highest total order value, considering only orders placed within the last 30 days.


In this article, we've demonstrated how to subselect a column that's a result of a CASE function in a subquery. By following the three-step process outlined above, you can now tackle complex queries with confidence. Remember to break down the problem into manageable parts, and don't hesitate to use subqueries and derived tables to simplify your queries.

With practice and patience, you'll become a master of SQL querying, and soon you'll be able to tackle even the most intricate database challenges with ease.

Additional Tips and Variations

To further enhance your skills, consider the following variations and tips:

  • Use aliases to simplify your queries and improve readability.
  • Experiment with different aggregate functions, such as AVG or MAX, to analyze your data from different angles.
  • Combine subqueries with other SQL features, such as window functions or common table expressions, to solve more complex problems.
  • Practice with different datasets and scenarios to develop your problem-solving skills.

By applying these tips and variations, you'll become a proficient SQL practitioner, capable of tackling even the most complex database challenges.

Customer ID Total Order Value
1 700
3 550
2 200

The resulting table shows the top 10 customers with the highest total order value, considering only orders placed within the last 30 days.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of sub-selecting a column that's a CASE function in a subquery!

Q1: Can I simply use the column alias in the outer query to sub-select the CASE function column?

Sorry, buddy! You can't use the column alias in the outer query to sub-select the CASE function column. The column alias is only valid within the subquery itself. You need to repeat the entire CASE function or use a Common Table Expression (CTE) to make it work.

Q2: How do I repeat the entire CASE function in the outer query?

Easy peasy! Just copy and paste the entire CASE function in the outer query, replacing the original column with the subquery alias. For example: SELECT *, (CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END) AS new_column FROM (SELECT *, CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END AS old_column FROM table_name) AS subquery;

Q3: What if the CASE function is really long and complex? Is there a better way?

I feel you! Long and complex CASE functions can be a pain to maintain. Consider using a Common Table Expression (CTE) to simplify your query. You can define the CASE function in the CTE and then reference it in the outer query. It's like breaking down a big problem into smaller, manageable pieces!

Q4: Can I use a subquery in the FROM clause to avoid repeating the CASE function?

You're on the right track! Yes, you can use a subquery in the FROM clause to avoid repeating the CASE function. This is called a "derived table" or "inline view". Just wrap the subquery in parentheses and give it an alias. Then, you can reference the CASE function column in the outer query.

Q5: Are there any performance implications when sub-selecting a CASE function column?

Good thinking! Yes, there can be performance implications when sub-selecting a CASE function column, especially if the CASE function is complex or the subquery returns a large number of rows. Make sure to optimize your query by using indexes, rewriting the CASE function for better performance, and avoiding correlated subqueries.