Unraveling the Mystery: How does NestJS use ES imports natively but doesn’t support ES modules?
Image by Jessiqua - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How does NestJS use ES imports natively but doesn’t support ES modules?

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As a developer, you’ve likely encountered the conflicting statements that NestJS uses ES imports natively, yet doesn’t support ES modules. This phenomenon has sparked confusion and curiosity among the developer community. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of NestJS, ES imports, and ES modules to uncover the truth behind this seeming paradox.

What are ES Modules (ESM) and ES Imports?

Before we dive into the intricacies of NestJS, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of ES modules and ES imports.

ES Modules (ESM)

ES Modules, also known as ESM, are a standard for modularizing JavaScript code. They allow developers to create self-contained modules that can be imported and used in other files. ESM provides a way to organize code into reusable pieces, making it easier to maintain and scale applications.

Here’s an example of a simple ES module:

// math.esm.js
export function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

export function subtract(x, y) {
  return x - y;

ES Imports

ES imports, on the other hand, are a syntax used to import modules or specific exports from other files. They provide a way to bring external dependencies into your code, making it possible to use the functionality from other modules.

Here’s an example of importing the `add` function from the `math.esm.js` module:

// main.js
import { add } from './math.esm.js';

console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

NestJS and ES Imports

NestJS, a popular Node.js framework for building server-side applications, is built on top of TypeScript and uses ES imports natively. But what does that mean exactly?

In NestJS, you can create modules, controllers, services, and other components using ES imports. For example:

// users.module.ts
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { UsersController } from './users.controller';
import { UsersService } from './users.service';

  controllers: [UsersController],
  providers: [UsersService],
export class UsersModule {}

In this example, the `UsersModule` imports the `UsersController` and `UsersService` using ES imports. This is possible because NestJS uses a transpiler, such as TypeScript or Babel, to convert ES6+ code to ES5 syntax, which is supported by Node.js.

So, Why Doesn’t NestJS Support ES Modules?

Now that we’ve established NestJS uses ES imports natively, why does it not support ES modules? The answer lies in the way NestJS handles module resolution and compilation.

NestJS uses a custom module system, which is separate from the ES module system. This custom system allows for more flexibility and control over module loading and resolution. While NestJS uses ES imports to define module dependencies, it does not use the ES module system to load and execute modules.

Instead, NestJS relies on its own module compiler, which converts the ES import syntax into a format that can be executed by Node.js. This compilation process involves transforming the ES import syntax into a CommonJS (CJS) equivalent, which is then executed by Node.js.

Here’s a simplified illustration of the NestJS module compilation process:

ES Import Syntax NestJS Compilation Node.js Execution
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; const Module = require('@nestjs/common').Module; const Module = require('@nestjs/common').Module;
import { UsersController } from './users.controller'; const UsersController = require('./users.controller').UsersController; const UsersController = require('./users.controller').UsersController;

As you can see, the ES import syntax is converted into a CJS equivalent, which is then executed by Node.js. This compilation process allows NestJS to provide its own module system, separate from the ES module system.


In conclusion, NestJS uses ES imports natively, but it doesn’t support ES modules in the classical sense. The framework’s custom module system and compilation process allow for ES import syntax, but it doesn’t rely on the ES module system for loading and executing modules.

While this may seem counterintuitive at first, it provides NestJS with the flexibility and control needed to manage modules and dependencies in a way that’s optimized for server-side applications.

Best Practices for Using ES Imports in NestJS

  • Use ES import syntax consistently: Stick to the ES import syntax throughout your NestJS project to ensure consistency and readability.
  • Avoid mixed syntax: Refrain from mixing ES import syntax with other import syntax, such as CommonJS or AMD, to avoid confusion and potential issues.
  • Understand NestJS module resolution: Familiarize yourself with NestJS’s module resolution algorithm to ensure that your imports are resolved correctly.
  • Take advantage of NestJS features: Leverage NestJS features, such as automatic module registration and dependency injection, to streamline your development process.


In this article, we’ve explored the relationship between NestJS, ES imports, and ES modules. We’ve seen that NestJS uses ES imports natively, but it doesn’t support ES modules due to its custom module system and compilation process.

By understanding the intricacies of NestJS and ES imports, you can create more efficient, scalable, and maintainable server-side applications. Remember to follow best practices and take advantage of NestJS features to get the most out of this powerful framework.

Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

NestJS, a popular Node.js framework, has been raising eyebrows with its unique approach to handling ES imports and modules. Let’s dive into the most frequently asked questions about this topic!

Why does NestJS use ES imports natively, but doesn’t support ES modules?

NestJS uses a compilation step to convert ES imports to CommonJS (CJS) modules, which allows it to work seamlessly with Node.js. Although NestJS supports ES imports, it doesn’t support ES modules (ESM) because ESM doesn’t provide a way to import CJS modules, which are still widely used in the Node.js ecosystem.

How does NestJS achieve native ES import support without using ESM?

NestJS uses a custom compiler, called `@nestjs/compiler`, which takes advantage of TypeScript’s compiler API to transform ES imports into CJS modules. This allows NestJS to work with ES imports as if they were native CJS modules, without requiring ESM support.

What are the implications of NestJS not supporting ESM?

The main implication is that NestJS projects can’t use ESM-specific features, such as import.meta or dynamic imports. Additionally, some libraries that rely on ESM might not work as expected or at all in a NestJS project.

Can I use ES modules in a NestJS project?

While NestJS itself doesn’t support ESM, you can still use ESM in your project by using a separate compilation step or a library that provides ESM support. However, this would require additional configuration and might not work seamlessly with NestJS.

Will NestJS support ESM in the future?

The NestJS team is actively exploring ways to support ESM in future versions. However, it’s a complex task that requires careful consideration of the implications on the Node.js ecosystem and the existing NestJS architecture. Stay tuned for updates on this topic!

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