Determine Position of Light Relative to a Tile in a Godot Shader: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Jessiqua -

Determine Position of Light Relative to a Tile in a Godot Shader: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to this in-depth tutorial on determining the position of light relative to a tile in a Godot shader. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of shader programming and explore the techniques to achieve this essential effect in your Godot projects. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to create stunning, visually appealing scenes with accurate lighting that will take your game development to the next level.

Understanding the Problem

When creating a 2D game in Godot, you often need to simulate realistic lighting effects to enhance the visual appeal of your scene. One of the most critical aspects of lighting is determining the position of light relative to a tile. This is crucial for creating convincing shadows, reflections, and other lighting effects that add depth and realism to your game.

However, determining the position of light relative to a tile can be a challenging task, especially for beginners. The problem lies in the fact that Godot uses a 2D grid-based system, making it difficult to accurately calculate the position of light in 3D space. Fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution to this problem!

Preparation is Key

For this tutorial, we’ll use a simple grid-based tilemap with a single light source. You can adjust the tilemap and light settings to fit your specific needs.

The Shader Code

Now that we have our project set up, let’s create a new shader material in Godot. Create a new file called `light Relative.shader` and add the following code:

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform vec2 lightPosition : hint_distance;
uniform vec2 tileSize : hint_distance;

void fragment() {
    vec2 texCoord = UV * tileSize;
    vec2 lightDir = lightPosition - texCoord;
    float dist = length(lightDir);
    float angle = atan(lightDir.y, lightDir.x);
    COLOR = vec4(angle, dist, 0, 1);

Let’s break down this code step by step:

  • uniform vec2 lightPosition : hint_distance;: We define a uniform variable lightPosition to store the position of the light source in 2D space. The hint_distance hint tells Godot to treat this variable as a distance value.
  • uniform vec2 tileSize : hint_distance;: We define another uniform variable tileSize to store the size of each tile in the tilemap. Again, we use the hint_distance hint to indicate that this variable represents a distance value.
  • vec2 texCoord = UV * tileSize;: We calculate the texture coordinates texCoord by multiplying the UV coordinates with the tileSize. This gives us the position of the current tile in 2D space.
  • vec2 lightDir = lightPosition - texCoord;: We calculate the direction vector lightDir from the light source to the current tile by subtracting the tile position from the light position.
  • float dist = length(lightDir);: We calculate the distance dist from the light source to the current tile by taking the length of the lightDir vector.
  • float angle = atan(lightDir.y, lightDir.x);: We calculate the angle angle of the light direction using the atan function, which takes the y and x components of the lightDir vector as arguments.
  • COLOR = vec4(angle, dist, 0, 1);: Finally, we set the output color COLOR to a vec4 value containing the calculated angle, distance, and alpha values.

Explaining the Magic

The shader code above is where the magic happens. By subtracting the tile position from the light position, we effectively calculate the direction vector from the light source to the current tile. This direction vector is then used to calculate the distance and angle of the light direction, which are essential for determining the position of light relative to the tile.

The atan function is used to calculate the angle of the light direction, which is then stored in the angle variable. This angle value will be used to determine the position of light relative to the tile.

Using the Shader in Godot

Now that we have the shader code, let’s apply it to our tilemap in Godot. Create a new material and assign the `lightRelative.shader` file to it.

Next, create a new `ShaderMaterial` node and add it to your scene. Assign the material we just created to the `ShaderMaterial` node.

In the `ShaderMaterial` node, add two uniform variables: `lightPosition` and `tileSize`. Set the `lightPosition` variable to the position of your light source, and set the `tileSize` variable to the size of your tilemap tiles.

Visualizing the Results

Now that we have our shader set up, let’s visualize the results. Create a new `Sprite` node and add it to your scene. Assign the `ShaderMaterial` node to the `Sprite` node.

In the `Sprite` node, set the `texture` property to a noise texture or any other texture that will help you visualize the lighting effect.

Run the scene and observe the output. You should see a beautiful, gradient-like effect that indicates the position of light relative to each tile. The angle and distance values calculated in the shader will give you an accurate representation of the light direction and intensity.

Tweaking and Optimizing

Now that we have a working shader, let’s tweak and optimize it to achieve the desired visual effects.

You can adjust the shader code to use different formulas for calculating the angle and distance values. Experiment with different math functions, such as `sin` and `cos`, to create unique lighting effects.

Additionally, you can optimize the shader code by reducing the number of calculations or using texture sampling to improve performance.

Technique Description
Using textures Use texture sampling to cache calculation results and reduce the number of calculations.
Batching Batch multiple calculations together to reduce the number of shader invocations.
Shader optimization Use Godot’s built-in shader optimization tools to optimize the shader code for performance.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the techniques for determining the position of light relative to a tile in a Godot shader. By using a simple shader code and tweaking it to fit your specific needs, you can create stunning lighting effects that will elevate your game development to the next level.

Remember to experiment with different shader techniques and formulas to achieve unique visual effects. And don’t forget to optimize your shader code for performance to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

Happy coding, and see you in the next tutorial!

Further Reading

For more information on Godot shader programming, check out the official Godot documentation and the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to shine a light on your Godot game development with these FAQs about determining the position of light relative to a tile in a Godot shader!

What is the basic concept behind determining the position of light in a Godot shader?

The basic concept involves calculating the distance between the light source and the tile, and then using that value to determine the lighting effect. This is typically done by-passing the light’s position, direction, and intensity as uniforms to the shader, and then using those values to calculate the lighting in the shader code.

How do I pass the light’s position and direction to the shader in Godot?

In Godot, you can pass the light’s position and direction as uniforms to the shader by using the `set_shader_param` function in your script. For example, you can use `add_child/light:set_shader_param(“light_position”, light.global_transform.origin)` to pass the light’s position, and `add_child/light:set_shader_param(“light_direction”, light.global_transform.basis.z)` to pass the light’s direction.

What is the difference between a point light and a directional light in a Godot shader?

The main difference between a point light and a directional light is the way they affect the lighting calculation. A point light has a position and radiates light in all directions, while a directional light has a direction and radiates light in a specific direction. In a shader, you would use the light’s position and distance to calculate the lighting effect for a point light, while you would use the light’s direction and dot product to calculate the lighting effect for a directional light.

How do I calculate the distance between the light source and the tile in a Godot shader?

In a Godot shader, you can calculate the distance between the light source and the tile by using the `distance` function, which takes two 3D vectors as arguments. For example, you can use `float distance_to_light = distance(vertex, light_position);` to calculate the distance between the vertex position (i.e., the tile position) and the light position.

Can I use the Godot shader language to create complex lighting effects, such as ambient Occlusion or volumetric lighting?

Yes, you can use Godot’s shader language to create complex lighting effects, such as ambient Occlusion or volumetric lighting. Godot’s shader language is based on GLSL, which is a powerful and flexible language that allows you to write custom shaders. With some creativity and math skills, you can create stunning lighting effects that take your game to the next level!

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